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Treatment Ritual Rebozo

3h30 - 160€

(2 therapists)

​The treatment ritual rebozo is performed by women for women.


It is for mothers and future mothers, but also for all who are going through stage,

or trial or change in their lives.

However, it is also for those who just wish to give themselves a break to recenter and relax.


In the mexican tradition women are invited to spend 40 days after delivery laying down with their babies to rest and encourage the bond mother-baby. During this time, the women of the community will take care of her and the baby by bringing meals, massaging the mother, and taking care of daily tasks.
After 40 days, which mark the bonding phase between the mother and the baby and the return to her life as a woman, lover and spouse, the young mother will receive the Rebozo treatment. The ritual will mark the return to the daily tasks and the social life. Also at this point there will be people who will support the woman who became a mother.

The main goal of this traditional treatment is to re-find the unity of your body syste,  to re-appropriate your female body and to reacquire  vitality.


The ambition of the treatment Rebozo is to allow to recenter, reconnect with the vitality, energy and sexual desire, possibly free yourself from the past traumas (for example from the delivery ), to offer yourself some time to find your femininity.


Here is the Rebozo ritual that we offer, together as a team, with Magalie Touche or with Marie Gasc:


To begin with this treatment is performed preferably at the house of the woman who receives it. In order that she has not to move, in particular in the case after delivery/post-partum, and that she can rest afterwards.

However, it can be also be performed in my massage clinic.


This cocoon and wrapping treatment starts at the moment we arrive: you let everything happen, we install everything and create a warm and protecting atmosphere, lighted by candle lights.


​We begin with an opening ritual to connect and harmonizing the trio, in order to get to know your emotional state... We offer a hot sweet beverage with cinnamon and rosmary, which will rise up your body temperature. This drink is will be offered all along the whole treatment to favour the elimation, detoxification and to keep you hydrated.


After that, there will be the moment for you to light your candle of intention: this intention which will be set verbally or not, will be our guide during the treatment. 



The 3 stages of the treatment:


- Intuitive 4 hands massage

- Hammam: Vapor/heat bath

- Rebozo: retighten the body with rebozo


During the whole ritual the atmosphere is calm, relaxed and you will be cuddled, accompanied and welcomed. We are at your full disposal.


Completely wrapped in a cocoon of blankets, on the floor, you will receive, as first,  a 4 hands massage with oil (coconut, sesame or olive oil). To keep you warm, only the massaged body part will be uncovered.

The massage will last about 45 minutes. It is an intuitive holistic massage, which aims to relax your body and your muscles and for you to gain full awareness of each part of your skin. This warm massage will bring a deep relaxation.


Once massaged and relaxed, we invite you to receive a bath of heat (for how much you need, but you will need max 20 minutes) thanks to our portable hammam (traditionally called a temazcal, a sweat hut) which will allow the opening of the pores and the sweating. It is the moment to refind the connection to the earth, nature, to the essential; it is the instant to the return to yourself in the cocoon of humid heat. Like during a temazcal, this moment can be conducive to intimate and deep revelations, visions or enlightenment of the soul. During this “stage”, we stay present with you, we accompany and we offer chants of support or if you prefer, we play soft music.


After this, we resettle you on the “carpet” on the floor, and we will wrap the scarf rebozo around your body and we start with the progressive retightening in seven parts of the body (head, shoulder, belly, pelvis, thigh, kees, feet) facilitating the return of your energies and the recentering of the body and mind.


Once the rebozo is ended, we let you exit yourself out of your chrysalis/cocoon, like a butterfly!

After the treatment, you can freely open up and share your experience before blowing your candle of intention.




When calling us for a rebozo treatment?


This treatment is a passage of rite from one stage to another: closing the past in the direction of a renewal. It is a marking of a passage, a clarification of the new step, an opening of one self, as a woman, and sometimes as a mother. Therefore, the retightening with the rebozo acts at the same time on the physical, mental, and emotional level.

After a delivery, the woman who has open her body to give birth to a child, may feel the need to recenter. She might encounter difficulties to regain her personal space and to reclose her body after delivery. She feels her energy scattered and feel an intense tiredness and have the sensation of control loss. The rebozo ritual will favor a moment of recentering and take back possession over her body. The ritual can also manage the transition between womanhood and motherhood, to connect her personal and sexual life.


The start of the menopause can be a disturbing experience and can be perceived as the end of the ones femininity and the goodbye of fertility. The rebozo treatment can bring reconciliation with your body during this time of transition. It allows to recenter on life in movement, to accept this new skin, to live this tansition with more serenity/better, and to integrate this new stage in one's life as a woman.


In the case of grieve, due to employment loss, or other important changes in life, the woman can feel scattered and without resources. The rebozo treatment can allow to take some time for her, to take care of herself, to find herself, to recenter herself, and to collect her energy, in order to face the situation in the best way possible.


However, it can also be a moment of celebration! The first menstruation/ moontime, the burial of the life as a young girl, a wedding, to celebrate an important life stage! Or just if you wish some closure to go onto the next step.


A moment for yourself and privileged access to your body and to your inner being, the rebozo treatment is recommended at all moment, whether it is a key moment of your life or just to treat yourself.


What is the rebozo?


The word rebozo means “shawl” in spanish. It is a traditional mexican shawl used for everyday life (fashion accessory, help to carry groceries, to carry babies or as a baby hummock...). It is also very useful during pregnancy, delivery and the postnatal period. It is generally hand woven with cotton or silk, with ornaments at both ends and is not extensible/elastic.


Traditionally the rebozo was offered from the mother to the daughter at her marriage and often at the same than as she enters the maternity. The choice of the fibers, the color and the pattern represent the personality of the future mother. The rebozo is an expression of art, mexican history and culture. Once upon a time it showed to which social status in society the women hand depending on the quality of the rebozo. It is still used in rural environments/areas, but is not much present in big cities.


It makes any transport of things that need transporting easier (water, wood, groceries...). It helps to protect the back, as well as the pregnancy.


The shawl is an essential tool of the traditional midwife and used during the delivery to rock and balance the woman, in order to alleviate the pain, and to calm her down to be more serene to approach this key moment in her life. The shawl is used also to make tightening movements and to make non-intrusive manipulations to move a baby for

example when it is not positioned right; this technique is called the “sobeada” (from the spanish verb “sobar”, which means knead). Today the rebozo is a symbol of pride of mexican women, independently of their social origins. From puberty on, each woman acquires her own rebozo, who materializes her femininity. This shawl which has multiple uses also gives the name to this special treatment: the rebozo treatment.

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Karine Fremaux- Le Bourg 24110 GRIGNOLS - +336 27 66 48 25

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