Access endless relaxation...
Plan for 1h30 or 2h of presence, as well for a favorite relaxing activity after the massage, for full enjoyment.
The treatment starts with a relaxing foot bath for maximal relaxation. Massage from head to feet.
This treatment is particularly recommended during pregnancy.
The massage is performed on the massage table, with organic virgin coconut oil or rose oil.
This lemniscate massage ( the symbol of infinity; figure 8) brings deep relaxation and smoothens body and soul. It is a massage of peace.
To begin, you will receive a particular massage of the spine which will allow “straighten and smoothen” the inter vertebrae tendons and give flexibility to the movement of your spine. This will favour the circulation of global energy in the body while preparing the activation of the synergy of the lemniscate movement.
After this massage, you will receive an activation of the different body poles (chakras, hands, knees and feet) in order to harmonize the physical and astral body and to totally relax you body.
The 1.30h massage will include in addition a head massage which will allow to reestablish the mobility of the cranial bones sutures and flexibility of the fontanel which often is welded together. This massage is great for people who wish to re-conect to their intuition.
This treatment is performed preferably not covered (the receiver will usually just keep the underpaints) to be able to obtain fluidity in the manuality.
Don’t be afraid of the cold! The massage room is a well heated cocoon and covers are available if necessary.
Not suitable in case of: skin disease (excema, psoriasis, zona, herpes, athlete foot, skin cancer) , recent fracture or surgery, any current cancer.
This massage technique has been transmitted to me with generosity and kindness by Francois Mazelin, Healing practitioner, hygienist, nutritionist, iridiolog psycho-physiologist.
Wellness massage can not replace a medical opinion or a kinesiological massage
1h15 - 90€
1h45 - 120€

Harmonising Lemniscate Massage